Sunday, April 3, 2011

[7.1] LuCky sEven...

        Our group meeting we held Saturday actually went a lot better than expected. I'm thinking it was because the day before a few of us got together and tossed around ideas and concerns. That allowed us to have a step up for our group by being able to jump into the conversation easily.
        There was a bit of hesitation coming into this mostly because of my groups structure from Jenga 6.0. The twist and turns of our individual structures made it difficult to simply stack one building onto another. We instead approached it by separating half the individual structures of my group's building and adding them on top of the other. We chose a completely different location from the two we had chosen for our 6.0 project, so we're headed to Vic, Spain.
       To achieve a group name we did an old fashioned word web. One person would call out a word and from there everyone else would call out whatever that particular word made them think of. Until we came up with synergy meaning; the potential ability of individual organizations or groups to be more successful or productive as a result of a merger, where as a whole we'll work to be better than the individual. 
image courtesy of:
       All I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best. Here goes nothing.

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