Friday, April 29, 2011

wi10 [cOnnections]...

                  I can honestly say that this semester has turned out to be a huge wake up call for me. Goals have been met and goals have been dismissed or pushed to the side. Many of lessons have been learned and have slowly begun to surface. Throughout the different experiences dealing with a variety of group members I’ve discovered a number of obsessions and fixations circling around myself that I’ve learned to control and tame. Through writing I’ve discovered a sort of outlet to express my true inner thoughts which may not be totally apparent in my physical work.  Not simply writing, but different forms of writing to further expand other people’s understandings of what I’m initially trying to expose. Writing, being an integral part of the design process, has forever become a large part of my individual process because without it my process is not whole. Ambitions relevant to me are growing in quantity and in level of difficulty.
                  My individual goals set at the beginning of this semester were never lost within the experience. At times there was some doubt that they were getting left behind and forgotten, but every now and again they would poke their heads in, letting me know that they were not far behind. A major goal I had set for myself this semester was to avoid self doubt and have more confidence within myself. I tend to notice comparing myself to others who may seem to be better than me at a specific task. Instead, I tried to shadow those who were further skilled in tasks to gain a better understanding and comfort around those areas. So I no longer needed to feel that doubt or that lack of knowledge.
                  Dealing with the different numbers within the selected groups proved to be more complicated with the more people involved. The amount of difficulty expressing ones individual design voice started to become almost impossible towards the end in a group of twelve. Especially given that at least half of those voices were extremely overbearing and powerful. With a teeny, weenie, soft spoken voice such as my own I had to step outside of my comfort zone to get my points across and my ideas out. When working independently it’s all my voice, all my plans and all my work. Of course, it’s easy to hear me when I’m working solo. It’s not necessary to stand on top of a mountain and scream at the top of my lungs hoping someone will hear me and recognize me. The group of three was a bit more comfortable. I could easily get my proposals across and if ever I became stuck in a thought or hit a wall somewhere, I had someone to help me steer around it without my originality getting lost. It was a lot easier to piggy back off of merely two other people rather than five or even eleven. I felt my voice begin to become softer once we were in groups of six. It always seemed as if others ideas were more successful than mine. I think it was merely the way I presented them. More confidence next time for sure.
                  Writing was a huge part of the work process this semester. I found it to be extremely helpful when I couldn’t quick sketch or verbally explain my ideas. After taking the time to really sit down and analyze what I was trying to show and writing it down, a few things came easier. When dealing with a larger group the writing came in handy also. People comprehend things differently and in different ways so those who didn’t understand the visual could understand the written. I was introduced to multiple forms of writing that I had never been exposed to before, at least not in this context. Some came more effortless than others, but I’ve never been the writer I would like to be so no one type was simple for me. I hope I will continue to progress in my writing and become a more fluid writer.
                  A few of my goals have changed since the beginning of this semester. I no longer doubt myself as much; I just realize that I’m not always going to be the best at everything right away. Life is about making mistakes and learning from them. Use your sources to further become who you want to be. My view on group work has also taken another direction. Proved to be difficult and unfair at times, group work will have to be something I work at individually. There will always be those who take control and those who slack. Usually the more people you have, the more opportunity there is for that. With the writing skills and people skills I have acquired over this semester I feel better equipped to engage in my third year.

Thank You.

image here; Different people coming together as a group. Notice the dumbfounded faces1

image here; Where will the story lead and how will the story end!?

image here; i JUST need some me time, some NO MORE than three time, some ANYWHERE but here time!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

7.3 [fRiendLy aSsessment]...

            As a second year we were asked to peer review the first years on their writer’s residence project. A student by the name of Lindsey Grace stood out to me because we’re always encouraged to go above and beyond and she did just that. She showed ambition in her design ideas. She realized that the amount of room provided was not enough to incorporate her visions in their entirety so she added a space that not only was needed but showed appreciation to the original structure. She represented a strong amount of technical drawings and renderings to help further explain and portray her process. Any questions that were asked she had an answer for which showed Lindsey had a great understanding of her work. Her tone of voice was nice and kept the audience interested and eager to hear what was to come next.
            When I was a first year the word “just” was not allowed to be in our vocabulary when discussing our work. It showed a lack of confidence and no thought behind your decisions. Although Lindsey used this word a few times she did not over use it. I would encourage her to be aware of using “just” and avoid it completely as necessary. Also, consider the hierarchy of your work during your presentations. The color of mounting boards and the order in which you place your deliverables is important.
            Overall I would like to commend Lindsey on a job well done. If this project was to be continued and further explored, I’d be eager to see the finished product and where her ideas take her from here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

jEnga [7.0]...

Individual Board "Revolve"

Circulation Board

Public Space Board

Components Board

Building Board

Site Plan

Photo Montage of Site

Site Board

Friday, April 15, 2011

jEnga [7.2] iNformance... (tOp tEn tiPs oF tOp tEn)

1) Pay attention to details, line weights and labeling on your technical drawings. (Technical Drawings; Anna and Austin)

2)  Indent materials w/ blade at center of cut line at the beginning and end to avoid over extension. (Models; Justin and Sharon)

3) Remove distractions. Help your audience focus on what you're saying; not what you're chewing. (Presentations; Audra and Jamaan)

4) Not a technical drawing [this includes floor plans, sections, etc. (Diagrams; Leslie and Faith)

5) "One for good luck", find your happy place. When it comes to finding your design voice you must find what inspires you. (Inspiration; Alyssa and Blakeni)

6) Keep it simple, do not over complicate or mix up with spec documents. (Schedules; Jasmine and Cassandra)

7) Write as your project is progressing. Don't leave the writing until the end. (Writing; Kara and Kathryn)

8) ALL the Sketch Up shortcuts helped a lot.

9) Give purpose to all graphics. (Graphics; Nikki and Abigail)

10) Always remember FUN, FOOD, FRIENDS.. and SLEEP! We're "different" people without sleep. (Craft; Correy and Kacie)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

10 [tiPs oN vErtical ciRculation]...


or click here

image sources found here and here

image sources found here and here, oh and here!

image sources found here!

image sources found here.

wi9 [wRiting aCross sCaLe]...

            When thinking back to Jenga 1.0 it’s apparent to see the same aspects and ideas applied to the Jengas tackled since then and are ongoing now in Jenga 7.0. Not only are we bringing together the processes of others, but we’re continuing to expand on our individual concepts. As we continue forward I can’t help but notice my original approach peeking through.

The collaboration between the verticality of team Symbiosis and the off-the-grid like approach of team Pinnacle proved to be fascinating. Fascinating in the sense that our overall proposals were surprisingly similar to my original ideas for my individual unit. As a whole, the idea of voids and negative spaces verses open spaces were significant to our predominant intentions, while to me this further proved the peeking of my design voice within the group perspective. When designing my unit I chose to use the two solids kit of parts because of a similar reason. These solids, built once then rotated twice to end up with three, were built to perform multiple uses such as housing the bathroom area including a toilet, shower and sink, housing the kitchenette area and housing a study/storage area. The solids act as voids within the space to imply a certain path of navigation with open spaces in between them. When first discussing material selections for our 7.0 structure the idea of natural materials indigenous to our site area was discussed. I chose a related method in I used earthly color tones and natural materials on the floors, walls and solids materials. Our ideas have changed since then so I shifted that similarity into my furnishings.  The use of a large number of glass and steel for structural support steered me in the direction of simple, light and airy furnishings. When I think of glass I think of clear, trouble-free thinking and living so the lucid and straight forward pieces speak an analogous language. The overall movement of our structure is the most significant being that my individual concept word is “revolve”. The slight revolving movement of all individual units within the design reflects the revolution of the solids built into my construction.

                  It is funny how you think you’ve moved on from one point in this, what seems to be never-ending, project only to notice the familiarities within these forever-growing group extensions. After taking a second to think further about where I see my individual design ideas within the whole of our final 7.0 structure I can’t help but detect the glimpses of me and 1.0 there between the cracks. We’ve all seen where it started; now it’s time to bring it on home and end it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

[7.1] LuCky sEven...

        Our group meeting we held Saturday actually went a lot better than expected. I'm thinking it was because the day before a few of us got together and tossed around ideas and concerns. That allowed us to have a step up for our group by being able to jump into the conversation easily.
        There was a bit of hesitation coming into this mostly because of my groups structure from Jenga 6.0. The twist and turns of our individual structures made it difficult to simply stack one building onto another. We instead approached it by separating half the individual structures of my group's building and adding them on top of the other. We chose a completely different location from the two we had chosen for our 6.0 project, so we're headed to Vic, Spain.
       To achieve a group name we did an old fashioned word web. One person would call out a word and from there everyone else would call out whatever that particular word made them think of. Until we came up with synergy meaning; the potential ability of individual organizations or groups to be more successful or productive as a result of a merger, where as a whole we'll work to be better than the individual. 
image courtesy of:
       All I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best. Here goes nothing.

Friday, April 1, 2011