[1] -- I feel that a ceiling fan meets Wotton’s definition of commodity, firmness and delight. It fulfills commodity because its purpose is to cool off a person or provide a breeze for someone indoors or who’s just plain hot. With its slanted blades moving in a circular motion it forms a refreshing gentle wind for those without air conditioning or something light for those warm summer nights. The unit fulfills firmness because the structure is well thought out and sturdy. The fan is able to spin at slow and faster speeds without flying away or falling apart. It fulfills delight because on hot summer days and even warm summer nights the draft provides and enjoyable alternative to having to sit and hear the loud air conditioning to cool down.
[2] --
[3] --I agree that the U.S. generally does feel the need for more space so when it comes to our very own classroom some problems arise. The largest issue is of the seats being so close together or us having to sit so close together. At times there’s competition over the arm rest, someone with both arms on the rests to either side of them causes an inconvenience or an issue when personal space comes into play. Bumping elbows and legs is not comfortable. Our attitude towards space is the more the merrier. If the room was more crowded there would be the issue of walking up and down the aisles or having to pass someone to get from the middle of the row. People tend to go above and beyond to avoid simply brushing up against someone else.
[4]--I’m not sure if I completely understood the reading but I do believe there can be architecture of happiness. In the reading de Botton write; “Architecture may well possess moral messages; it simply has no power to enforce them. It offers suggestions instead of making laws. It invites, rather than orders, us to emulate its spirit and cannot prevent its own abuse.” I think architecture of happiness is in the eyes of the beholder. A home can be an extremely happy place for the person who lives there but may not have the same effect on someone visiting the same home. Here’s an image of my bedroom which to me is a very happy place. It’s where I go to relax and take in the events of the day. Being in someone else’s room does not have the same effect because it’s not your personal space. It’s laid out to where I can see the television as I lay in my bed. My work area is set aside so that there are not many distractions. The pictures on the walls provide a visually pleasing element to ease the mind. It’s where I feel comfortable and safe.