Friday, February 26, 2010

12 tHumbnails of Mossman..

Being the somewhat perfectionist that i am, really quick drawing comes a bit difficult for me. We weren't supposed to spend more than like 10 minutes on each thumbnails (which are only 2x3"). Proportions are a huge issue when drawing at a insanely small scale.

aRchitectural dEtaiLs..

These are five architectural details on a two-page spread of the Gatewood building and of my apartment complex. Floor to ceiling windows complimented with a large pillar, a sort of grid designed ceiling, a sculpture like piece made of wood and recessed lighting.

fiELd oF LiGht..

Concentrating on paths of light, we chose a window in studio to build a structure of some sort that would deliver two different experiences of light. I immediately thought back to grade school when i made a telescope out of cardboard and mirrors, since our main material was to be cardboard, i thought i could kind of recreate that idea. Of course i realized that the whole mirrors idea was making things a lot more complicated than they needed to be, so i tossed that. My creation was simple but effective, just not from every angle like i anticipated it to be, depending on the strength of light at least. Ultimately i was pleased and i received positive feedback.

Here's my structure at night:

And the full effect of the structure with light:

Burj Al Arab, Dubai

We're concentrating on context and layouts. I chose my architectural detail from a hotel in Dubai, sort of a modern column. Within this layout there are four different pictures all pertaining to the same detail. I didn't do too well at tying it all together, so i don't know how easy or difficult it is to understand. But included is a fountain, the columns, a border of the knot detail located on top of the columns and the view up from the grand lobby, a blend of colors.

tHree viGnettes.. weLL.. tWo

The assignment was to draw three vignettes (small scenes) of people interacting with an object to show motion and scale. I did my three, but one, didn't make it to my blog, not yet at least. I plan to try again with three more. (people and skin tones are still not my strong point)

aCcessories, aCCeSSoriEs, ACCESSORIES!!

Choose 3 classmates and draw then watercolor their accessories, i was told. This to me was a fun activity and i'm very pleased with the outcome. The "hand of gold", the necklace of charm and the upside down side of a friends face, complete with the fly bifocals :-)

bLind and LiNe cOntours...

I dont' really know what to say about these :-) the blind contour, looks like it's supposed to, a big ol mess. The line contour, not so much, but the watercoloring ,was fun!!

My riTuaL oBject...

My ritual object is to place a two-dollar bill above the doorway of your home and this is suppose to bring good fortune into your household. My original ideas were to make a representation of a door and a small wallet to store the fortune brought in. It would have probably been about a foot long, so it would be able to sit on a shelf or counter top. There would be a specific place carved out where the wallet would sit.

Eventually, i concluded that this idea was way too literal for a representation. So i switched my idea around and made a sort of shrine for the bill to sit in that could be mounted above the doorway. This would showcase the bill, which is ultimately the most important aspect of the ritual. The process was great. Going into the wood shop was a mind-blowing experience. I wouldn't trade it for anything.