Friday, December 11, 2009

tHe fiNaL pRoduct...

started off a bit rocky but in the end, turned out exactly how i wanted it to... my biggest opstacle was figuring out how to keep the peices moving continually. that's where the fan came in. the pieces of oragami paper hang from the top to catch the reflections of the light. in the dark it gives you an underwater type of experience with the light shining through the blue and green gel paper on the sides. imagine yourself visiting an aqarium.. and you're there.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


When i think about illumination, i think about color, so i most defintely will be using color. I also think about light reflecting or bouncing off of something else. My second picture down really stood out because it looks like a water fountain but it's just light shining down through the glass hanging at different lenghths. I really find that idea interesting, so i'm trying to feed off that in some way. As far as materials i might use, i'm not even sure. I really want it to be simple, maybe a thick type of paper or colored films. I feel that if i try to make it to complicated and it doesn't work out i'll be wasting alot of time. I also like the third picture down, the boxes. The fact that the light reflects through multiple items sparks my interest also... we'll just have to wait and see what comes of this!

Monday, November 2, 2009

understanding DiALOGUE.. collage

understanding DiALOGUE.. Orthographics

Here are my orthographic drawings of my project about dialogue..

understanding DiALOGUE..

Create two spaces and represent dialogue.. My dialogue i would say would be big and small..

understanding UNiTY.. Orthographics

Here are the orthographic drawings for my unity project..

understanding UNiTY.. some more..

This is my first rendition of the unity project.. followed by the final product..

First Rendition:


understanding UNiTY..

Assemble something using 12 skewers and 12 4X6 planes of bristle board.. concentrating on the unification of the items.. here's my parti of ideas for that..

sHadow bOxes..

From my Junk Box i chose 10 items and drew them into my shadow boxes.. again focusing on shading..

my jUnk bOx..

This is my junk box.. There's Guss right in the middle :-) this was to help us improve on our shading techniques (which isn't very easy with pen)

Many mAny bOxes.. 3-D interpretations (Orthographic Drawing)

Orthographic Drawings for my circle model..

Many mAny bOxes.. 3-D interpretations

Many mAny boxes..

This project started off okay.. but towards the middle got hectic.. then better again..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

pEopLe aRe nOt my fOrte... aT aLL!!

"5 drawings of interior spaces, with people". i would have been okay with just the interior spaces :-) but then "with people" was thrown in. what made it worse was trying to be nonchalant about what i was doing. talk about suspicious. I guess practice does make perfect though. and i DEFINITELY need the practice...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

sKetchbOok aSignment..

we were asked to collect 4 or 5 leaves and draw each of the following techniques we've been working on...

A Blind Contour
A Negative space
A Pure Contour
Shadows (shading)

Friday, September 25, 2009

a pLatOnic fiGure..


{1. construct a 4"x4"x4" cube
with one open end,
using white Bristol board,
articulating the edges
to aid assembly
and design intent.

2. design an integral structure
made from plastic drinking straws
that positions the cube
four inches above
an eight inch square base.}

From the moment i was assigned this project, i knew that type of cube i wanted to make. As a kid i was always interested in doing puzzles so this carried that out. The process was long and frustrating, but i'm definitely very happy with the results. It actually came out better than i expected it to.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

pUre cOntOur...

This is a pure contour of the Julius Foust Building on college Ave at UNCG. A pure contour is the drawing of lines without shading in any distinction. We first started with blind contour (drawing without looking at your paper), followed by drawing negative space (drawing the space around an object rather than the object itself), modified contour (drawing just the outline of a figure) then finally pure contour.I enjoyed the process of all, even though i'm a bit of a perfectionist so the blind contour was torture, but still an interesting experience.

Friday, September 4, 2009

tHe eArth iS aRt..

two natural artifacts
and join them
using a linear material.))

As i walked through campus i came across the materials used for this project. The concept of joinery was difficult because you had to know what you were trying to bring emphasis to or if you were trying to hide something. I used a piece of wood, a flower growing outside of my apartment building and some light brown thread, as well as some nails to help secure it all together. I ended up with a very simple,unique and pleasing to the eye, final product.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

..tHe wOrLd aRound mE..

I observed the site titled "wagonized", drawings by France Belleville. First, I enjoyed how the drawings were placed in individual albums by what materials were used or if they were just for fun. You truly get a first-hand view into his life as an artist as well as his personal life. I also like how he gives other artists recognition by posting pieces of their work onto his site with the link to their personal page included. Just in case someone wants to see more. That's very considerate. Overall, this would be a site I'd visit daily to see the changes or added pieces.